Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 39, Spray Park

Today is usually a weight lifting day, but my trainer had an emergency, so it's been moved to tomorrow. Which meant I was free to take littlest munchkin to an indoor spray park at a local park district! He loves the water, and I've been wanting to go for a while!

At first he didn't want to go in the water, but by the end I had to carry him out kicking and screaming.

It was lovely. There was a small group there of special needs kids with family members (moms, grandmas, and at least one older sister), and those ladies were SO calm and patient, and everyone was friendly. I'd love to go back when they're there again.

Munchkin and I spent nearly the whole time going up and down the water slide. We did swim briefly, but then back to the slide. :D

Plus.... After a month of serious exercise and better eating, I rocked my bikini. Now I just need a tan. ;)

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