Saturday, April 27, 2013

Loop the Lakes 5k

It's a perfect 52° and sunny this morning. My feet are taped, my Aleve taken, and race packets picked up. This race is 2 loops around a lake, and its beautiful! I'm glad I got here at 7:30; by 8:15 it's a madhouse--- someone parked on the grass right in front of the pickup area! I'm sure the park officials will just looove that!

Another perk of getting here so early is the people watching. I've seen everything you can imagine. No one who looks professional, "I'll be done in 15 minutes" yet... Mostly the average moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, with a few kids too. Most of them are in long pants and long sleeves. I learned my lesson last year-- shorts! Dress as if it's 20° warmer. At the O'Hare 5k we were icicles while waiting in pants and gloves, and I was overheating by mile 2.

Post race:
First, one of those "few kids" was the top female. A 11 year old! Second female? Her 8 year old sister!!!!! I'll keep my eyes on the future Olympics. ;)

Second, I am VERY pleased with my 34:30. (Albeit 10 minutes slower than the 8 year old.) I haven't run since February. My feet HURT. I'm thrilled!

Honestly. Mile 1 was great. I felt great. Tape and Aleve holding up. :) By 1.5 my right [bad] foot was talking to me. A bit after mile 2 the lefty started talking. I had to walk more than I'd like between mile 2-3, but once I saw that finish line I was a full sprinter! :D

34:30 isn't my best, but its not my worst either. It was 11:12 min/mile pace, which if you've read past posts, it's faster than my 11:30 "go fast to go slow" training pace.

Next race is in two weeks, and I really, really, really, hope to be closer to 32-33 minutes. At the end of the upcoming race there's beer waiting for me. ;D

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