Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30, 2012: Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run

This was AWESOME!!!!
I was so nervous I barely slept, barely ate, and felt like throwing up until about 5 minutes into the race. :) Once I started running with my teammate J, and noticed all the other non-athlete crazy costumed ladies around, I relaxed and really had a BLAST!
I army crawled through multiple mud pits, climbed a freakin' 8 foot plywood wall, over a net wall, under a net, through tires (twice!), up a rope, down a rope, over rocky hills, a water pit (although it was so dirty from all us Dirty Girls the water was brown), and 5K of "watch your step or twist an ankle" paths.
It was untimed, thank goodness.

Things I have learned.... 1. the loose outfit... NO GO! I thought it would be more comfortable once covered in mud. But in actuality I felt a bit frumpy compared the most of the girls in tight tanks. 2. DRINK WATER. 3. Consider putting my plastic bags over my socks and under my shoes. The water/mud squishing between my toes after Obstacle 2 was gross and eventually bothersome.  3. Watch were you leap. I was showing off for my kids at the last obstacle, leaped into the mud pit, and strapped both knees. Ouch. And 4. Bring a lot of towels for washing up afterwards.

Overall it was MUCH more then I anticipated. So much fun that while enjoying my free celebratory beer, my sister, brother-in-law, and I signed up for another 5K called Mud Wars. I'm just doing my part to spread the mud love. 

The last time I'm clean!
Over the 8 foot wall
Over a huge net wall... my sister took a great distance picture... I'll try to find it.
Running and trying not to twist or break anything... t
The other side of the net wall
I was threatening to muddy my sister/camera woman. ;)

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