Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 12, Pleased

Even after only 5 hours of sleep, I still managed to get to the gym AND shave time off my running AND biking!

First, 2 miles mostly running at 5.4 mph in 23:58 (1.55 in 18 minutes, which is 1.5 minutes faster then last time!!).
Then I biked 3 miles at Level 8 in 12:05 (approximately 15.5 mph).

I discovered that I'm more focused, and faster, without my contacts. I am so blind, I couldn't see the people around me or the displays on the exercise machines. So I ran as long as I could rather then looking at the timer and thinking "Its been 5 minutes, time for a walking break..."

I ran for over 10 minute straight! Nearly a mile!

I feel great! My calves were sore in the beginning, but now they're fine.

And guess what? My butt is looking nicer too. ;)

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